Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 1 - Arriving Christchurch

After 10+ hour of flight, Lao gong slept like a baby on the flight from Auckland to Christchurch. zzzzz....zzzzzzz.....

在New Zealand的第一顿晚餐, 我们当然叫了当地出名的Lamb chop, 果然肉嫩,汁多,完全没羶味.在之后几天的行程中,先后试过lamb pizza, braised lamb shank; 都超好味,而我们也很快知道好味的原因---如此的好山好水养育出的羊,确是没得比.

It was almost 9pm after dinner, but the sky looked like if it were in the afternoon. The south island of New Zealand enjoys long-hour of sunlight in the summer time -- sunset usually occurs after 10pm.

On the way back to hotel, we passed by Christchurch Cathedral Square, where coincidentally there was a new year's eve concert - 对于一个跨年晚会说, 人数还真不算多.但再想想,在这个羊比人多的地方,这样已经称得上是“盛况”了吧. Although wanted to stay till count down, we decided to head back hotel to have a good night of sleep, and get ourselves ready for the 6-day-road trip.